The Project
functional ceramics
Six to eight individuals with mental illness will have a part of their body, that has been affected by a specific mental illness, molded and reproduced in hyper-realistic sculpture.
The pieces of art will represent the stories and struggles of these brave men and women and how mental illness has affected them, not just mentally, but physically as well. Each sculpture will have a written component by the participant on how theirs lives have been changed by mental illness. It will all be shown during an immersive gallery exhibit at a to be decided date.
Through this exhibit we are creating awareness for the mental health community as a whole. Helping those who lack education about mental health to become informed in turn helping lower a vast stigma associated with it. Through these sculptures, I will be creating a visually impacting depiction and a sense of memory to what can happen when mental health is misunderstood and mental illness becomes out of hand. Allowing all who come to leave with a life changing memory about the importance of mental health within themselves and the community; to know that everyone is affected differently.
Mental health appears in many forms. As visual project about the mind and body, there is an emphasis put on individuals with physical signs and symptoms that resulted from their journey as they push forward to improve their mental wellbeing and overcome their mental illness. This is meant to leave a lasting visual impact to those who come to view, experience, and read the stories behind the sculptures; a reason why I have put emphasis on recreating the body with noticeable effects from a struggle with mental health and mental illness. That said, there will be sculptures without physical signs and you will be taken back by what they have been through.
It may not be noticeable to us but a person can be hiding a whole story underneath the clothing they are wearing, and even under their skin.
I am very excited to be working on this powerful project, to put my skills to work, and to share the stories of people who have struggled with mental illness. My hope with "Under the Skin" is to raise awareness about mental health and the struggles and stigma that comes with. The project hits close to home and I'm sure it may be the same for many others. Cheers to a change.
Proudly supported by:
This project is funded in part by
the Orange County Arts Council's
Community Arts Grants.
For more information visit

This project is made possible with funds from the Statewide Community Regrants Program, a regrant program of the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature and administered by Arts Mid-Hudson. | © DanMcQuadeArt llc | 845-545-2660